
An extension of for communicating with CodeIgniter and a CodeIgniter library for formatting and transmitting results to Ext JS 5 applications

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  • Sends data to CodeIgniter controllers in POST so CodeIgniter form validation library can be used
  • Reads CodeIgniter error pages for descriptive error pop-ups rather than JSON decoding errors
  • Catches JSON decoding exceptions
  • Builds CodeIgniter URIs using CRUD operation actions or optional config parameters
  • Automatically sends CSRF info with requests if CSRF is enabled
  • Includes CodeIgniter library functions for formatting/transmitting data to Ext JS applications

Supported versions

CodeIgniter-Sencha-Proxy has been tested with Ext JS 5.0.1 GPL and CodeIgniter 2.20


CodeIgniter-Sencha-Proxy does not support batch operations.

Installation and Configuration

Set up proxy in your Ext JS application

Add the proxy files to your Ext JS application.js

Copy the Codeigniter.js, CiReader.js, and CiWriter.js files from the CodeIgniter-Sencha-Proxy/Sencha/lib/proxy directory to your Ext JS application directory. I suggest creating a lib/proxy directory path under your app directory so the files reside in application_directory/app/lib/proxy

Include the library at the top of your Application.js

Ext.Loader.setPath('SenchaProxy.lib.proxy', './lib/proxy/');

Make sure you adjust the second parameter of Ext.Loader.setPath to the directory where you copied the Codeigniter.js, CiReader.js, and CiWriter.js files

Refresh your Ext JS application

run sencha app refresh

Set up proxy in your CodeIgniter application

Add the library to your CodeIgniter Application

Copy Senchaproxy.php from the CodeIgniter-Sencha-Proxy/CodeIgniter/application/libraries to your CodeIgniter application/libraries directory. Include the library in your controller and model code like this:


Add the helper to your CodeIgniter Application

Copy senchaproxy_helper.php from the CodeIgniter-Sencha-Proxy/CodeIgniter/application/helpers directory to your CodeIgniter application/helpers directory

The senchaproxy_helper.php contains a helper function senchaproxy_config that will return a Javascript snippet that sets variables needed by the Codeigniter proxy such as the site_url so it knows where to send requests and CSRF information if applicable. It will also include the CSS file relative to the root of your application using base_url()

Include the helper in your controllers like this:


and reference it in your view, in the <head> section, before your Ext JS files like this:

<? echo senchaproxy_config() ?>

Copy the resources folder to the root of your application directory

The CodeIgniter-Sencha-Proxy/resources directory contains a css file and a few images for the error pop-up windows. Copy it to the root of your CodeIgniter application.

Using the library in your Ext JS code

Add the proxy to your Ext JS model

Add the proxy to your model's configuration like this:


    extend: '',
    fields: [
        {name: 'id', type: 'int'},
        {name: 'username', type: 'string'},
        {name: 'name', type: 'string'},
        {name: 'surname', type: 'string'},
        {name: 'email', type: 'string'}
        type    : 'ci',
        ci_class: 'user'

The ci_class attribute is your CodeIgniter controller class name.

Load store data

A store.load() command on a store that uses the above model will load the store using a user/read URI.

If you name your controller function something other than read, for example "get_data", you can load your store like this:

store.load( {ci_method: 'get_data' } ); 

This would attempt to load the store using a user/get_data URI

Create records

Example of creating and saving a record populated by form data:

    createUser: function(button) 
        var panel   = button.up('panel'),
            form    = panel.down('form'),
            values  = form.getValues(),
            record  = Ext.create('MyApplication.model.User'),
            store   = Ext.getStore('Users'),

        cb = function(rec, operation) 
            if (operation.success == true) 

        if (form.getForm().isValid())
                callback : cb 

The above example will attempt to create the record using a URI of user/create. If you name your controller function something other than read, for example "add_user", you can save your record by adding the ci_method configuration parameter to the save function like this:

                callback    : cb,
                ci_method   : 'add_user'

Delete records

Example of updating a record populated by form data:

    updateUser: function(button) 
        var panel   = button.up('panel'),
            form    = panel.down('form').form,
            record  = form.getRecord(),
            values  = form.getValues(),

        cb = function(rec, operation) {
            if (operation.success == true) { rec.commit(); } else { record.reject() };

        if (form.isDirty())
            if (form.isValid())
      { callback : cb }); 

The above example will attempt to update the record using a URI of user/update. As mentioned above, you can alter the name of the CodeIgniter controller function being called by adding the ci_method configuration parameter to the save function.

Update records

Example of deleting a record:

                success: function() { store.remove(record); } 

The above example will attempt to delete the record using a URI of user/destroy. As mentioned above in the previous examples, you can alter the name of the CodeIgniter controller function being called by adding the ci_method configuration parameter to the erase function, like this:

                ci_method   : 'delete_user'  // CodeIgniter function name
                success     : function() { store.remove(record); } 

Using the library in your CodeIgniter code

Include the library in your model code:


The library includes two functions for formatting results

  • formatQueryResult() : formats query results
  • formatOperationResult() : formats results of insert, update and delete operations

Format query results

Example of formatting the results of a SELECT query:

$query = $this->db->get('mytable');
$total = $this->db->count_all_results();

// return formatted result
return $this->senchaproxy->formatQueryResult($query,$total);

A more extensive example showing a query with sorting, pagination, and search is available in the demo code.

Format operation results

Example of formatting the results of a DB insert:


$query = $this->db->insert(mytable);

// get newly created record
$record = $this->get($this->db->insert_id());

// return formatted result
return $this->senchaproxy->formatOperationResult($query,array($record[0]));

formatOperationResult() optionally returns a record so you can send back a record with the new id and potentially perform other operations without reloading the store.

Example of formatting the results of a DB update:

// get/set the id and remove it from the data array
$id = $data['id'];
$this->db->where('id', $id);

// execute query
$query = $this->db->update($this->table, $data);

// get the record
$record = $this->get($id)

// return formatted result
return $this->senchaproxy->formatOperationResult($query,$record);

formatOperationResult() optionally returns a record so in this example a "get" method that returns a single record is being called. This can be useful if some record values are changed by on_update db triggers.

Example of formatting the results of a DB delete:

// get/set the id 
$this->db->where('id', $data['id']);

// execute query
$query = $this->db->delete('my_table);

// return formatted result
return $this->senchaproxy->formatOperationResult($query);

You can see these examples in action in the demo, or in the source of the example code available in src/CodeIgniter

Sending responses from Controller

The library includes a sendResponse() function for encoding responses and sending them to the user.

Example of a controller create function using send response to return ether form validation errors or the result of the insert:

    function create()
        $this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'trim|required|xss_clean');
        $this->form_validation->set_rules('email', 'Email address', 'trim|required|valid_email|xss_clean');

        if ($this->form_validation->run()==FALSE) 
            $result = array (
                'success'   => false,
                'msg'       => 'Errors were encountered with your request.  Please correct them and try again.',
                'errors'    => validation_errors()
            // return all POST items with XSS filter
            $data = $this->input->post(NULL, TRUE); 

            // get result
            $result = $this->usermodel->create_record($data);


Note on updating records

If you use Ext JS to update records, this can create an issue with server side validation of NOT NULL fields. Ext JS will only send changed fields. If you use Codeigniter's "required" form validation rule, unchanged fields that are not sent to the server will trigger this rule. But if you do not validate this field as required, you risk accepting a blank value. One way to resolve this is to add a custom validation rule to your CodeIgniter controller like this:

    function _required_if_sent($val,$field)
        if ($this->input->post($field)!==false) //boolean false if not sent at all, which is ok
            if (empty($val))
                $this->form_validation->set_message('_required_if_sent', 'The %s field can not be blank');
                return false;
        return true;

Which you could use like this:

    'Field Label', 

Note that the callback requires the field name sent as a parameter so it can check to see if it has been sent in the POST.

Also note the double underscore between "callback" and "required_if_sent". We preceded our custom validation rule function with an underscore so it won't be accessible via URL, so we need to use two underscores when we implement it in form_validation->set_rules().